Bokashi Composting is a safe, convenient, and quick way to compost food waste in your kitchen.
To get started, you need a special Zerobashi Bucket (Bokashi Bucket) that can drain off liquids by releasing it through the faucet. You will also need our exclusive Bokashi Bran that has effective microbes that can help fasten the decomposing of your food wastes. Take note that not all Bokashi Bran are the same.
The process is fairly simple. Put your food scraps into the Zerobashi Bucket and sprinkle some bokashi bran on top. Close the lid. Each time you have more scraps, add them to the bucket and add more bran.
After a few days, liquid starts to form in the bottom of the pail. This needs to be drained. This liquid, the “bokashi tea” can be used to fertilize your house plants or your garden plants. To use it, dilute 2 tbsp. of he "bokashi tea" with one (1) of gallon water.
When the pail is full, seal it for 2 weeks. After that, remove the kitchen scraps in the pail and combine with soil. Cover it and wait for another two (2) weeks before you can use your very healthy rich compost!
Start composting now, we'll help you!
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